Watch Movie Video Aap To Aise Na The

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Aap To Aise Na The

Quality: Year: Duration: 2h 25min MinView: 676 views

Orphaned at a very young age, Varsha Oberoi, lives a wealthy lifestyle with her paternal uncle, Jain Oberoi, in Bombay, and has traveled world-wide. She is in love with Vijay, a middle-classed young man, who runs a small furniture store, badly in debt, and lives with his widowed mom, a younger brother, Deepu, and sister, Nanhi, who are very friendly with Varsha. Then Vijay is reunited with his childhood friend, Vikram Chawla, who is welcomed with open arms by the entire family. It is then Vijay’s life turns around, he starts getting a lot of orders, gets out of debt, is able to buy a jeep to replace his motorbike, and moves to a comfortable bungalow.