Watch Movie Video Inaam Dus Hazaar

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Dear visitor, you can download the movie Inaam Dus Hazaar on this onlinemovieshindi website. It will download the HD video file by just clicking on the button below. The video file is the same file for the online streaming above when you directly click to play. The decision to download is entirely your choice and your personal responsibility when dealing with the legality of file ownership. Regards, Online Movies Hindi Website.

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Inaam Dus Hazaar

Quality: Year: Duration: 2h 37min MinView: 754 views

Kamal Malhotra lives a struggling life with his mom and is employed as a salesman with retailers for a product called “Godrej”, a famous hair dye. His life take a new turn when he is abducted, beaten, blind-fold and taken to a strange place with orders to have him killed but somehow he manages to flee from the killers. And then he begins a man hunt for one of the killers, whose voice he can recognize. His searches gets him framed for the brutal murder of a man called Mr. Narottam, and is arrested by the police but manages to escape and decides to leave the city via train. While on the train Kamal meets a beautiful young woman, Sonia Mehra and after a few misunderstandings both fall in love. But what Kamal does not know is that Sonia have links with a notorious smuggler, captain S.P. Singh, who is responsible for getting Kamal framed and to make matters worse the captain has plan to kill Kamal with the help of Sonia.