Watch Movie Video Jhoola 1962

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Jhoola 1962

Quality: Year: Duration: 147 MinView: 13 views

Dr. Arun lives with his brother, Madhu; dad Judge Ramkrishan; and mom Kamla in a palatial house. He decides to help the poor and the needy and in order to do this he re-locates to a small town, where he meets with a young nurse named Sumati and both fall in love with each other. Sumati lives with her mom, Laxmi, and has no father. When Kamla starts looking for a prospective bride for Arun, he informs her that he has given his heart to Sumati. Ramkrishan sends for Laxmi, who gladly accepts the invitation. After her meeting, Arun inquires about the results with his mom and dad, and is told to forget about Sumati and marry someone else. When Arun asks for a reason behind their refusal, they refuse to divulge any information. The question remains, why did his parents turn down Sumati’s mom, and what exactly happened during that meeting with her?