Watch Movie Video Jhumroo 1961

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Jhumroo 1961

Quality: Year: Duration: 2h 51m MinView: 174 views

Anjana lives a wealthy lifestyle with her dad, Dwarka Nath, in a hilly region in India. When she returns home after several years, she finds that her dad has become more strict and a disciplinarian, and even has his erring employees and villagers flogged. Then she meets with local villager, Jhumroo, and both fall in love with each other. Jhumroo takes her home to introduce her to his mom, Kamla, who approves of her instantly. When Dwarka comes to know about this, he is enraged, and quickly announces her marriage with his Manager, Ramesh. Jhumroo is heart-broken and goes to meet with Anjana, who does tell him that she loves him, but must obey her father. What Jhumroo and Anjana do not know is that she is not Dwarka’s daughter, but is the daughter of Kamla, and abducted at a very young age.