Watch Movie Video Yaad Rakhegi Duniya

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Yaad Rakhegi Duniya

Quality: Year: Duration: 2h 33min MinView: 1,601 views

Vicky Anand (Aditya Panscholi) has just graduated from college with honors and decides to celebrate. An accident leads him to the hospital and the shocking discovery that he’s suffering from a terminal illness. He decides to move to the lush, green locales of Ooty (India) where he hopes to find peace and solitude. The audience is introduced to Naina (Rukhsar) and her entourage of numerous village kids who enjoy playing pranks. Vicky finds support and encouragement after befriending and eventually falling in love with the mischievous and outgoing, Naina, who also suffers from a terminal illness. Will death separate the two or is their love strong enough to overcome their fatal diseases? Plenty of emotional scenes are balanced with comedic scenes represented by Naina’s pranks.