Watch Movie Video Yeh Zindagi Kitni Haseen Hai 1966

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Yeh Zindagi Kitni Haseen Hai 1966

Quality: Year: Duration: 2h 14m MinView: 101 views

Sarita is a princess with a rather outgoing and adventurous outlook. She does not like to be tied up with bodyguards, and servants, and wants to be free to do stuff on her own. So one day, she runs away from home. The palace is instructed to searh for her immediately. Sarita comes to the big city, and enters a beauty pageant, which she wins. There is also a parallel pageant for Mr. Handsome, for which the winner is Sanjay Malhotra. Both Sarita and Sanjay have now to represent India on a foreign tour. They come close, and fall in love. It is then that Sarita discovers to her horror, that Sanjay is not who he claims he is, but an imposter.