Watch Movie Video Ferrari Ki Sawaari

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Ferrari Ki Sawaari

Quality: Year: Duration: 140 MinView: 23,189 views

A little boy thinks of nothing but cricket. His father, Rusy, thinks of nothing but his little boy. To fulfill his sons dream of playing at Lords cricket ground, the honest and upright Rusy takes a reckless step. He borrows a gleaming red Ferrari. Just for one hour. The only trouble– he doesnt inform the cars legendary owner. A wild, breathless, bumpy ride begins. A naive Rusy must dodge bullets and bouncers for one unforgettable night, and play the role of a perfect father. Can he do it? Ferrari Ki Sawaari is a fun-filled story of small guys and their big dreams and how these dreams turn into a mad comedy of errors. Fasten your seatbelts. The joyride awaits