Watch Movie Video Dulhe Raja

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Watch the movie Dulhe Raja on the free film streaming website (new web URL: ). Online streaming or downloading the video file easily. Watch or download video Dulhe Raja online movie Hindi dubbed here.

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Dulhe Raja

Quality: Year: Duration: 2h 23min MinView: 7,899 views

Poor Raja opens a fast foot restaurant right opposite a five star hotel run by its owner Singhania, earning his wrath. The wealthy hotel owner uses all his influence to remove Raja, but in vain. Things get worse for the wealthy man, when his daughter Kiran wants to marry the poor hotelier. The wealthy man refuses, leading to a confrontation and a condition – which Raja fulfills, he becomes rich virtually overnight, and proposes for the hand of Kiran. The wealthy hotelier reluctantly accepts him as his son-in-law, only to have Kiran elope with a man named Rahul.