Watch Movie Video Hum Ho Gaye Aap Ke

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Hum Ho Gaye Aap Ke

Quality: Year: Duration: 2h 48min MinView: 3,542 views

Rishi Oberoi is the only son in the Oberoi family, who are wealthy and own a palatial home. Rishi is a womanizer, and often drinks. One day he comes across an attractive young lady, who he later comes to know as Chandni Gupta. Chandni is not impressed with Rishi’s advances, and ignores him. Chandni is employed with an organization, and is in love with her co-worker, Mohan Sachdev. When Mohan and Chandni plan to marry, they are met with opposition from Mohan’s parents, and as a result Mohan marries someone else. Rishi comes to know about this and offers to console Chandni as a friend. It is now up to Chandni to decide if she would prefer a womanizer and a former admirer as a friend.