Watch Movie Video Yeh Ishq Nahin Aasaan 1984

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Yeh Ishq Nahin Aasaan 1984

Quality: Year: Duration: 138 MinView: 26 views

Architect and Poet Salim Ahmed Salim lives in Nizamuddin, India, along with his widowed mother. He re-locates to Lucknow where he is employed with Shirazi & Company. He instructs her not to leave the house, and when she persists, he sells the house and decides to re-locate to Lahore, Pakistan. Salim attempts to stop them but Hamid assaults him and leaves him senseless. Salim does recover but takes to alcohol and a Courtesan named Phoolrani in a big way. His mother intervenes, and compels him to get married to their new neighbor’s daughter, Sahira, which he reluctantly does. Now trapped in a marriage with a woman he does not love, Salim continues to frequent Phoolrani’s brothel, with hopes of being re-united with his estranged sweetheart – only to find that the seemingly demure Sahira will not let go of him that easily.