Watch Movie Video Zid 1994

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Zid 1994

Quality: Year: Duration: 129 MinView: 480 views

Jay is the only child and has been brought up with his grandmother, who pampers him, and never refuses him anything. When Jay wants a horse, she gets one, and he names it “Didaara”. But Jay’s love for the horse becomes a obsession, he becomes an ardent though inexperienced rider, and suffers an injury. His grandmother decides that it is time that she gave away Dildaara. When Jay finds that his horse is missing, he confronts his grandmother, and is shocked to learn that she has given away his horse. His grandmother does not know that by giving away his horse, she has changed her’s and his lives forever – for Jay leaves and never returns. But how can Jay, a young man, without any skills, survive any single day without his grandmother’s support?